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Waste Management Services

Hydrites Dedication to the Environment

Hydrite owns and operates six 10-day transfer facilities conveniently located throughout the Midwest in addition to a Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSDF) in Cottage Grove, WI. Hydrite strives to be a no-landfill company that offers a wide range of treatment and disposal options including recycling, energy recovery, fuel blending, incineration, wastewater treatment, and lab packing. We specialize in helping our customers find the best cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for managing all of your hazardous and non-hazardous waste in full compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations.


Waste Services:

  • Solvent Recycling involves the recovery and reclamation of solvents from industrial waste streams. This process aims to reduce the environmental impact and cost associated with disposal while promoting the reuse of valuable resources.
  • Fuel Blending involves mixing different fuels or blending waste-derived fuels to meet specific quality or regulatory requirements. This service is often used to create alternative fuels from waste materials, contributing to more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources.
  • Waste to Energy is a process that converts non-recyclable waste materials into usable energy, such as electricity, heat, or fuel. This approach helps reduce the volume of waste sent to landfills and provides a renewable energy source, contributing to a more sustainable waste management system. 
  • Wastewater Treatment involves the removal of contaminants from industrial or municipal wastewater before it is released into the environment. The process includes physical, chemical, and biological methods to ensure that the treated water meets regulatory standards. 


  • Wastewater Disposal refers to the responsible and compliant discharge or disposal of treated wastewater into the environment. Compliance with environmental regulations is crucial to prevent negative impacts on ecosystems and public health.
  • Tank Cleaning is the process of removing residue and contaminants from storage tanks, ensuring they meet safety and environmental standards. Tank removal may be necessary for decommissioned or obsolete tanks, with proper disposal or recycling of the tank materials.
  • Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances in waste materials. This method is used to reduce the volume of waste, eliminate certain types of pollutants and generate energy.
  • Lab Pack Services involves the proper packaging, transportation, and disposal of small quantities of laboratory chemicals and hazardous materials.

Hydrite also has an extensive waste minimization policy to help ensure a healthy and sustainable future environment. With the help of our RITE Team, these policies help our customers achieve their sustainability goals and improve performance, such as water or energy consumption, and reduce costs.

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