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RCRA Training

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Brookfield WI

La Crosse WI

Cedar Falls IA


RCRA/DOT Training Overview

Facilities that manage hazardous waste must comply with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. Hazardous waste is a special class of solid waste that must be managed properly to protect human health and the environment. Federal and state laws regulate how businesses must manage this waste. Regulations require training for personnel who handle or manage hazardous waste.  Training requirements for the management of hazardous material varies based on the amount and types of wastes generated at your facility. 


RCRA Topics

  • Regulatory Overview
  • Hazardous Waste Determination
  • Generator Status Requirements
  • Collection of Hazardous Waste
  • Hazardous Waste Manifest and Land Ban
  • Waste Minimization
  • Reporting and Record-Keeping and more...

According to US DOT Hazardous Material Regulations, all hazmat employees must have general awareness and familiarization training.

DOT Topics

  • General Awareness, Function Specific Training, Safety Training
  • Definition of a Hazardous Waste and Waste Determination
  • Sequence of Basic Shipping
  • Marking and Labeling of Non-Bulk Containers
  • Placarding Requirements
  • Emergency Response Information
  • DOT Security Training and more...

RCRA Training

DOT Training


RCRA/DOT Training Benefits

  • Certificate included.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of hazardous material regulations and requirements, including safety and security. 
  • This training will satisfy your yearly RCRA and DOT requirements.


Customer TestimonialCustomer Testimonial

“Super job with the RCRA/DOT training yesterday! I have attended other RCRA/DOT classes, and you were by far the best trainer we have had.”

- Environmental Engineering Manager, manufacturer of high-quality and nutrient-dense therapeutic supplements

RCRA DOT Training Contact Us

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Get in touch with a waste and recycling representative for more information on our RCRA/DOT trainings.


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