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Soil Load mapping: SLM™ & hydri-SLM RT™ Cip technology


Clean-In-Place (CIP) Optimization

In most clean-in-place or stand-alone systems, once a circuit begins cleaning, soil removal starts instantaneously and progresses until time, temperature, mechanical action and chemical concentrations meet their respective specifications. During said removal, soil accumulates in the CIP wash solution and eventually reaches a maximum load, wherein a new step or recipe needs to be introduced. If a new step or recipe is not introduced, the accumulated soil can redeposit onto its original surfaces and thus become counterproductive. By monitoring soil load while a circuit cleans, a soil load map can be generated and then analyzed for identifying optimization opportunities. 

SLM and Hydri-SLM RT are informed methods for analyzing your current CIP programs and to provide insight into procedural changes relevant to reductions in time, temperature, and chemical concentration. By having a soil load map for each cleaning circuit throughout your CIP programs, optimization recommendations can be made in addition to understanding the comprehensive impact of change, including minimizing, or even eliminating current risks aligned to production schedules, processing equipment components, effluent, food safety and finished product quality.

Soil Load Map

CIP System Diagram


Hydrite's first-gen clean-in-place technology helps users identify unique opportunities for maximizing optimization and minimizing risk, with demonstrated success of reducing CIP time, water usage, and chemical spend.


Building off of Hydrite's SLM™ technology, the new Hydri-SLM RT™ in-line solution uses PC-based, sensor technology to collect, visualize, and interpret data in real time.

Why is Soil Load Mapping Important?

To maximize production time, enhance food safety and product quality as well as reduce CIP resources and environmental impact.


How is a Soil Load Map Calculated?

An in-depth analysis of CIP samples is used to determine how your specific system removes soil in each wash.


The soil load map results can be analyzed for:
  • Amount of soil removal taking place during cleaning cycle heat-up times
  • Stretches of a wash where minimal to no soil removal is taking place
  • Confirmation of when “clean is clean”
A new CIP program can be built to clean an individual circuit with fewer redundancies or wasted resources:
  • Wash steps with little to no soil removal can be combined or eliminated
  • Steps where cleaning is not complete can be identified
  • Water usage that is not needed for rinsing can be eliminated
Targets can include:
  • Time and temperature reduction
  • Effects of changing chemistries
  • Whether water usage can be reduced or eliminated through alignment to an applicable cleaning cycle (without significantly impacting a wash)


Analyze the Process

Analyze the Process

Continuous Sampling and Testing

Continuous Sampling & Testing

Data Visualization

Data Visualization
Compile Benefits and Establish an Action Plan
Compile Benefits and Establish an Action Plan



HYDRI-SLM RT™ Next-gen automation

The next level in clean-in-place (CIP) technology has arrived. Hydri-SLM RT™ enables users to cut out manual processes and upgrade their CIP program to fully-automated soil load analysis. 

SLM RT In-Line Technology

Gone are manual sample selections and reactive CIP troubleshooting and enhancements. The fully-automated Hydri-SLM RT™ collects data at up to two samples per second, giving cleaning professionals enhanced control and information at their fingertips. Aggregate Hydri-SLM RT™ data can capture natural production variability, providing valuable insight that can predict issues before they happen.

SLM RT Automated Sampling




Contact Us to Learn More

Hydrite's sanitation specialists are recognized as the industry leaders and innovators offering support and service. We have the requisite experience to improve product quality and reduce cleaning time. Our equipment team spends time developing and deploying new tools to provide the most comprehensive CIP support in the industry. 

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