Dipotassium Phosphate (DKP) Dipotassium Phosphate is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) for use in human foods, also considered GRAS for use in food generally as a multiple purpose food ingredient when used in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP).
Dipotassium Phosphate has several common functions, including:
- Alkalinity Source
- Sequestrant
- Emulsifying Agent
- Precipitating Agent
- Buffering Agent
- Protein Stablizer
- Dispersant
- Nutrient Source
- Fermentation Nutrient
- Anti-Feathering Agent and Acid Buffer in Non-Dairy Creamers
- Whitener in Food Applications
- Anti-Coagulant
Common applications of Dipotassium Phosphate include:
Coffee Creamers – Dipotassium Phosphate is an excellent highly soluble buffer for casein based coffee creamers. The use of Dipotassium Phosphate stabilizes the protein layer around the fat droplets, thus, preventing syneresis and curdling of the protein when added to hot, acidic coffee or tea.
Processed Cheese Products – Dipotassium Phosphate helps buffer the pH and interact with the milk proteins to promote emulsification.
Nutrient Resource – The potassium present in Dipotassium Phosphate can be used as a mineral supplement for pharmaceuticals and a nutrient base during yeast production and other fermentation processes.